Survey of Literature: Great Books from World at Large
Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Enforced requisite: English Composition 3. Not open for credit to students with credit for course 1D or 4DW. Study of major literary texts usually overlooked in courses that focus only on canon of Western literature, with emphasis on literary analysis and expository writing. Texts from at least three of following areas read in any given term: African, Caribbean, East Asian, Latin American, and Middle Eastern literature. Analysis of texts includes focus on structures, processes, and practices that generate inter-group inequities or conflicts as well as those that support fairness and inclusiveness. Satisfies Writing II requirement. Letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
6.7 / 10
- Organization
6.7 / 10
- Time
10-15 hrs/week
- Overall
5.0 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
Open (1 seats)TR 11am-11:50am
Kinsey Science Teaching Pavilion 1240B
The class doesn't actually have any exams, but 2 papers around the same weeks as midterms and a final paper during the last week. Lectures mostly taught about the book's historical context/themes that needed explaining, but I didn't really attend the lectures since we weren't required to. If I had, I think it would have been a little helpful but the lectures didn't really pertain to the essays that much. The main thing is just to read the books, and go to discussion (discussion attendance was 40% of the grade). You have to talk during discussion, so try to at least skim. I had Brandon Archambault as my TA, and I think he was really helpful with teaching about the book context and facilitating deep discussions about the book (both content and themewise). He was not too harsh of a grader either. I will say that this class does not teach you how to write. If you are not confident in your writing skills, it would be better to take a ENGCOMP class or something where they actually teach you about structure. The class is more critical thinking on the topic of borders and immigration (at least for my quarter) and it's reflection in books around the world.
Showing 1 review
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance required
2 midterms
Finals week final
100% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.