Heroes, Gods, and Monsters: Literature and Epic in Mesopotamia

Lecture, three hours. Survey of literary texts and traditions the ancient Near East, specifically Mesopotamia, from Old Akkadian (circa 2300 BCE) to Neo-Babylonian (circa 600 BCE) period. Texts read in English translation include literary texts, royal inscriptions, incantations, royal and divine hymns, with focus on literary epics, particularly first millennium BCE Epic of Gilgamesh. Discussion of texts, their narratives, and their divine and human actors. Discussion of sociohistorical context for cuneiform (Sumerian and Akkadian) texts and royal, religious, and cultural roles of different texts. P/NP or letter grading.

Review Summary

5.0 / 10
6.7 / 10
5-10 hrs/week
6.7 / 10

Enrollment Progress

Jul 10, 4 PM PDT
LEC 1: 17/50 seats taken (Open)
First passPriority passSecond pass2 days5 days8 days11 days14 days17 days20 days23 days26 days0204060

Section List

  • LEC 1

    Open (11 seats)

    TR 11am-12:15pm

    Dodd Hall 121


    Quarter Taken: Fall 2021 In-Person
    Grade: A

    Book is super important but easy otherwise


Previously taught

Grading Information

  • No group projects

  • Attendance required

  • 1 midterm

  • Finals week final

  • 100% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.