Disease and Human Condition
Seminar, four hours. Discussion and analysis of COVID-19. Exploration of scientific characteristics and historical manifestations of group of epidemic diseases that have shaped civilization: bubonic plague, smallpox, yellow fever, tuberculosis, cholera, influenza, polio, hemorrhagic fevers, and AIDS. Examination of biomedical characteristics of disease: causative agent or process; pathological effects in human body; course of disease; and epidemiological patterns of incidence and severity. Focus on each case during the period when it exercised its greatest effects. Emphasis on how historical manifestations of, and reactions to disease, are deeply embedded in social and economic structures, and medical knowledge, of its time. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
5.0 / 10
- Organization
5.0 / 10
- Time
0-5 hrs/week
- Overall
5.0 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
Waitlist (5 seats)WF 2pm-3:50pm
Public Affairs Building 2333
Most of the class consists of reading material and participating in class discussions. You are also required to give a three 10 minute presentations on a reading from a list provided by the professor. Midterm and final are timed essays.
Showing 1 review
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance required
1 midterm
Finals week final
100% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.