African American Health across Life
Seminar, two hours. Requisite: course 210. Critical examination of social, psychological, and biological pathways to health and longevity among African Americans through engagement with empirical research from multiple disciplines (public health, sociology, psychology, medicine). Guided by social stress theory and other theoretical perspectives, consideration of health impact of historical and contemporary racial inequality. Application of this critical lens to examine current events and propose potential public health solutions and avenues for intervention. Study of African American health is often characterized by deficit approach, which defines well-being of this population only in terms of their health risks relative to majority. Discussion of risk factors associated with adverse health outcomes, but also identification of numerous resources used by African Americans to promote resilience and preserve health. Letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
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- Overall
Enrollment Progress
Section List
Open (10 seats)W 9am-11:50am
Public Health, School of 61235
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.