Chemical Principles
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Introduction to chemical principles: numbers, measurements, chemical calculations, gas laws, solutions, acids, bases, and salts, molecular structure, and nomenclature. Collaborative learning and problem solving; introduction to chemistry laboratory practice. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
5.0 / 10
- Organization
6.7 / 10
- Time
0-5 hrs/week
- Overall
6.7 / 10
Enrollment Progress
The textbook was necessary but it was helpful. I can say this class was probably easier than some of the other chemisty classes. She was nice and good at explaining things but the class was all over the place. She would constantly forget about things. She would have us study something then the week of the test she would be like well this isn't going to be on the test anymore, so that wasted a lot of studying time. She would give us multiple cheats so we didn't have to memorize too much. I stopped attending class and would just watch YouTube videos, her review session, and look at the textbook. She made study guides and practice exams for us for each quiz. Sometimes the test were a little lengthy for the short amount of time. Also one time there was an error on the test and instead of giving everyone credit she marked everyone off. I don't know how I'm passing this class, but I've gotten all A's on the tests even with no chemistry background. I would probably take it again if I had to.
I LOVE PROF RESLAN SHES THE GOAT. SWEETEST PROF EVER. redoing the hw problems and the practice problems were very helpful for the midterms and final.
Displaying all 2 reviews
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance not required
2 midterms
Finals week final
50% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.