Individual Studies in Linguistics
Tutorial, four hours. Requisite: course 1 or 20. Limited to juniors/seniors. Individual intensive study, with scheduled meetings to be arranged between faculty member and student. Assigned reading and tangible evidence of mastery of subject matter required. May be repeated for credit. Individual contract required. P/NP or letter grading.
Select an instructor
Yuan, M. (Winter 2025)
Cychosz, M. (Winter 2025)
Jesse Harris (Winter 2025)
Douglas Merchant (Winter 2025)
Claire Moore-Cantwell (Winter 2025)
Megha Sundara (Winter 2025)
Bruce P. Hayes (Winter 2025)
Giuseppina Silvestri (Fall 2024)
Victoria Euge Mateu Martin (Fall 2024)
Kie R. Zuraw (Fall 2024)
Ethan Poole (Fall 2024)
Abeer Alwan (Spring 2024)
Laure Murat (Spring 2024)
Sun-Ah Jun (Spring 2024)
Timothy Hunter (Winter 2024)
Eischens, B.J. (Fall 2023)
Jessica Rett (Spring 2023)
William Harold Torrence Jr. (Spring 2022)
Nina M. Hyams (Spring 2021)
Daria Bahtina (Fall 2020)
Shu-Hao Shih (Winter 2020)
Patricia A. Keating (Winter 2020)
Pamela Munro (Spring 2019)
Hilda J. Koopman (Winter 2019)
Hongyin Tao (Fall 2018)
Olga Ivanova (Winter 2018)
Yael Sharvit (Winter 2018)
Anoop K. Mahajan (Fall 2017)
Tim Stowell (Fall 2017)
Dominique Sportiche (Fall 2017)
David Goldstein (Fall 2017)
Robert Daland (Fall 2017)
Carson T. Schutze (Fall 2017)
Ryan Sandell (Fall 2016)
Edward L. Keenan (Winter 2016)
Russell Schuh (Fall 2015)
Jens Palsberg (Fall 2014)
Joseph F. Nagy (Winter 2014)
Bowers, D. (Winter 2013)
Edward Stabler (Winter 2013)
Toosarvandani, M.D (Spring 2011)
Buring, D. (Spring 2009)
Marlo, M.R. (Spring 2008)
Susan R. Curtiss (Winter 2008)
Thomas Hinnebusch (Fall 2005)
Enrollment data not available.
Previously taught
Grade distributions not available.