Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled); outside study, seven hours; field trip. Recommended requisite: course 107 (or Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 103). Water, air, and soil pollution: sources, transformations, effects, and processes for removal of contaminants. Water quality, water and wastewater treatment, waste disposal, air pollution, global environmental problems. Letter grading.

Review Summary

6.7 / 10
8.3 / 10
0-5 hrs/week
6.7 / 10

Enrollment Progress

Jul 13, 4 PM PDT
LEC 1: 124/124 seats taken (Full)
First passPriority passSecond pass2 days5 days8 days11 days14 days17 days20 days23 days26 days050100


    Quarter Taken: Fall 2023 In-Person
    Grade: A

    The presentations were well-organized. The class has a few online quizzes, one online midterm, and an online final.


Mohanty, S.
Previously taught
24F 23F

Grading Information

  • No group projects

  • Attendance not required

  • 1 midterm

  • Finals week final

  • 0% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.