Mathematics for Life Scientists
Lecture, three hours; laboratory, two hours. Enforced requisite: course 30A. Introduction to concept of matrices and linear transformations to equip students with some basic tools to understand dynamics of multivariable nonlinear systems. Examples from ecological, physiological, chemical, and other systems. Letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
6.7 / 10
- Organization
8.3 / 10
- Time
0-5 hrs/week
- Overall
8.3 / 10
I felt the class was disorganized and there were many typos and errors.
The one bad thing about this class is the inclusion of a lab/coding portion that is time-consuming,
Shevtsov is a really nice professor but it can be hard to follow/understand her sometimes
Professor was good at explaining the concept, after all she wrote the textbook. The key to doing well in this class, in my opinion, is going to Problem Solving Sessions.
Shevtsov really does not deserve the hate she gets from the people who are writing her reviews on Bruinwalk! You have to pay extra attention in her class, but she presents the information in an engaging and intuitive way. Overall, this class is very similar to 30A but with a final coding project that was quite tricky. Like in 30A, many of my friends struggled initially with the content, but almost everyone will be quite proficient at the coding and math by the end of the quarter. However, just like 30A, this is not math, this is "math," so if you want to actually learn calculus, you should take the math 32 series ngl.
Displaying all 5 reviews
Grading Information
Has a group project
Attendance required
2 midterms
Finals week final
60% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.