World Politics
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Required of all students concentrating in Field II. Introduction to problems of world politics. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
10.0 / 10
- Organization
10.0 / 10
- Time
5-10 hrs/week
- Overall
10.0 / 10
Enrollment Progress
AMAZING CLASS! Min is the nicest most understanding professor I have had at UCLA, the class is structured so there is no midterm and only a final paper due during week 10. So, you have the entire quarter to work on it and there are checkpoints that are graded midway through. It really comes down to your TA as they are grading the paper but if you go to office hours and gauge what they are looking for you will do fine. Other than that there are weekly quizzes but they are really just based on his lectures which are only twice a week. Would highly recommend if you need a GE or are interested in polisci.
OMG highkey my lifesaver. I hate writing and history is worse, but Prof. Min somehow made everything okay! Weekly online (open note) multiple choice quizzes straight from the slides that he uploads after every lecture (and even drops one!) and just one final essay that is worth 50% of your grade (everything else is participation or quiz scores)
Great professor, super organized, really cool and nice guy. Not hard at all if you put in some work. There's a weekly reading quiz that's open note and pretty easy and then a final paper that he tweaks to make it relevant to a pressing global issue, not harshly graded either.
Pretty decent instructor clear on his goals and expectation. In general a pretty easy GE.
Political Science 20 with Eric Min has been my favorite class at ucla so far. Highly highly recommend. Eric is super engaging and passionate about the topic, and he cares about the wellbeing of his students. Workload is definitely manageable, only one big paper and weekly quizzes. Take this class!
Lectures were recorded, section was mandatory. One final paper and the rest of the grade are weekly quizzes that are fairly simple and participation.
Great professor and information was presented in a really digestable way. Was a great intro polisci class and highly recommend it.
I love this professor. His lectures were actually interesting and engaging. This is probably the only good poli sci lower div that's not an insane workload.
easy class, fun content if you’re interested in world politics
Displaying all 10 reviews
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance required
No midterms
10th week final
50% recommend the textbook