Analytic Mechanics
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: course 32. Corequisite: Mathematics 33B. Newtonian mechanics and conservation laws, gravitational potentials, calculus of variations, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, central force motion, linear and nonlinear oscillations. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
6.7 / 10
- Organization
6.7 / 10
- Time
15-20 hrs/week
- Overall
8.3 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
Open (8 seats)MWF 10am-10:50am
Physics and Astronomy Building 1434A
Dr. Naoz’s class is very difficult but rewarding. The homeworks are the hardest part of the class. Strongly recommend getting into a group. The exams should not be difficult at all. Just make sure to do her practice exams (THOROUGHLY, the final had a problem I could have easily solved if I had paid better attention) and be able to have a general sense about what is going on.
Showing 1 review
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance not required
2 midterms
Finals week final
100% recommend the textbook