Community or Corporate Internships in Statistics
Tutorial, four hours. Limited to juniors/seniors. Internship in supervised setting in community agency or business. Students meet on regular basis with instructor and provide periodic reports of their experience. May be repeated for credit. Individual contract with supervising faculty member required. P/NP or letter grading.
Select an instructor
Maria Cha (Winter 2025)
Robert L. Gould (Winter 2025)
Michael Tsiang (Winter 2025)
Sanjay Sood (Fall 2024)
Vivian Lew (Fall 2024)
Nicolas Christou (Fall 2024)
Genhong Cheng (Winter 2024)
Linda Zanontian (Winter 2024)
Pedro Aceves Sanchez (Summer 2023)
Cubelos Barrera, C (Summer 2023)
Miles Chen (Summer 2023)
Xu, S. (Summer 2023)
Guani Wu (Summer 2023)
Dave Zes (Summer 2023)
Mahtash Esfandiari (Spring 2023)
Frederic R. Paik Schoenberg (Spring 2023)
Pieter Spaas (Summer 2022)
Bao Wang (Summer 2022)
Akram M. Almohalwas (Summer 2022)
Qing Zhou and Hangjian Li (Summer 2020)
Song-Chun Zhu (Summer 2020)
Maria Cha (Summer 2020)
Hongquan Xu (Summer 2020)
Yingnian Wu (Summer 2020)
Peter M. Bentler (Summer 2020)
Miles Chen (Fall 2019)
Juana Sanchez (Spring 2019)
Judea Pearl (Fall 2018)
Arash Amini (Fall 2017)
Wang, C. (Summer 2016)
Enrollment data not available.
Previously taught
Grade distributions not available.