Music of Latin America: Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean Isles

(Same as Chicana/o and Central American Studies M108A.) Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour. Survey of traditional and contemporary musical culture. P/NP or letter grading.

Review Summary

8.3 / 10
8.3 / 10
0-5 hrs/week
8.3 / 10


    Quarter Taken: Winter 2023 In-Person
    Grade: A+

    A great GE and the content is interesting. I didn't like the fact that the lectures were super long and not engaging at times, but there were times when the lectures had a special component that was actually quite interesting: he brought in a Mariachi ensemble to perform live.

    There was a writing assignment every week (about one page), and one presentation we made in our discussion section. The final was an in-class essay, but it was 3 hours to write only two pages, and the prompt was provided beforehand. Sounds like a lot of work, but the assignments were generally graded leniently, so as long as you followed instructions, you generally got full credit. My TA was lenient on grading, so I had it easy. Other TAs were reportedly more stringent, but not ridiculous (still could get an A fairly easily I think).


Hudde, H.H.
Previously taught
24S 23W
Formerly offered as

Grading Information

  • No group projects

  • Attendance required

  • No midterms

  • Finals week final

  • 0% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.