Addressing Social Determinants in Racial/Ethnic Minority Communities to Reduce and Prevent Health Disparities

(Same as Community Engagement and Social Change M175SL.) Seminar, two hours; fieldwork, 10 hours. Examination of how addressing social determinants in racial/ethnic minority communities can reduce or eliminate physical and mental health disparities. Currently in racial and ethnic minority communities, health status of individuals can be function of built environment, exposure to pollutants and toxins, scarcity of supermarkets or stores with fresh produce and nutritional food, noise levels, and variety of other stressors and unhealthy conditions. Health interventions are often focused on individual-level change or increases in access to healthcare with little in way of changing risk environments. Designed to identify and provide opportunities to understand how to address social determinants related to negative health outcomes in racial/ethnic minority neighborhoods and communities and to experience how to use social determinants literature in service of collaborative activities with community organizations. P/NP or letter grading.

Review Summary


Enrollment Progress

Apr 8, 11 PM PDT
SEM 1: 5/10 seats taken (Open)
Week 1Week 23 days4 days7 days10 days0102030

Section List

  • SEM 1

    Open (5 seats)

    M 3pm-5:50pm

    Franz Hall A279


Vickie Mays
Previously taught
22S 21S 20S 19S 18S 17S 16S

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.