(Formerly numbered 50SL.) Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Community-engaged learning course with focus on diverse communities of Los Angeles. Analysis of general shared history of Los Angeles. Comparing or contrasting of experiences of several different racial/ethnic groups. Engagement in meaningful work off campus to reflect on assets, injustices, and inequities that have shaped experiences of native or immigrant communities. Analysis of Los Angeles in which residents coexist and interact while managing tensions and social justice issues inherent in minority/majority city. Letter grading.

Review Summary

8.3 / 10
6.7 / 10
0-5 hrs/week
5.0 / 10


    Quarter Taken: Spring 2022 In-Person
    Grade: A+

    This class was really easy. You had to partner with an organization and work from there. I believe there was a essay you must write but it was very easy work.attendance was not necessary since this course was mainly focused on working with an organization.

    Quarter Taken: Fall 2023 In-Person
    Grade: A

    I don't recommend this class. The workload is insane- you have to write 2-3 pages every week for weekly reflections, a 6-7 page midterm paper, and a 6-8 page single-spaced final paper, alongside your volunteer work with an organization. The TAs graded the reflections and papers very harshly; the class average was B before the final. Moreover, you have to participate a lot during a 2-hour discussion section to get the participation grades. I thought this class was about volunteering but it was not. Volunteering was at most 5% of the grade. It was basically a Sociology class that required too much writing.

    Quarter Taken: Fall 2023 In-Person
    Grade: A

    Class was easy and heavily participation based. You can skim the readings to get through the discussions and the weekly reflections. The midterm and the final take some time and rely heavily on the lectures.

    Quarter Taken: Fall 2023 In-Person
    Grade: A

    Lecture once a week. Discussion once a week. Attendance required. Two papers. Community engagement through volunteering.

    Quarter Taken: Winter 2024 In-Person
    Grade: A-

    class requires a volunteering portion that can be time consuming if you have an in-person assignment. the class does take up a decent chunk of time due to the lectures and discussions but it is informative and somewhat interesting.


Shalom Staub
Previously taught
24W 23F 23S 23W 22F 22S 22W 21F 21S 21W 20F

Grading Information

  • No group projects

  • Attendance not required

  • No midterms

  • Finals week final

  • 60% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.