Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Introduction to Greek and Roman medicine in its intellectual and cultural context. Examination of construction of concepts such as health, disease, physician, man, woman, cause, and difference. Readings from Greek literature and healing in cult of Asclepius. Readings of texts from Hippocratic collection, thought to be close to practice and theory of 5th-century BCE Greek physician, relating them to medical practice, competition for students and patients, intellectual display, developing scientific methods, ethnography, and Greek philosophy. Discussion of plagues as attempts to view such outbreaks as social phenomena. Examination of how Hippocratic understanding of how--or whether--we can know about what happens inside body was developed and challenged in 3rd-century BCE Alexandria. Study of Prince of Physicians, Galen, champion of Hippocratic medicine, influential into 18th century. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
8.3 / 10
- Organization
8.3 / 10
- Time
5-10 hrs/week
- Overall
8.3 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
Open (32 seats)MWF 11am-11:50am
Dodd Hall 147
It's a good idea to at least skim the weekly readings, since the writing assignments are based on them. Professor Blank also goes over the readings in lecture, so that definitely helped out too!
Showing 1 review
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance not required
1 midterm
Finals week final
100% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.