Business Creation Program
Fieldwork, two hours. Capstone for Global Executive Master of Business Administration (GEMBA) program. Offers unique educational experience for GEMBA students interested working on their entrepreneurial ventures and developing a comprehensive strategy for launching that business. Offers opportunity to apply concepts learned in core and entrepreneurship courses to the development of a start-up business. Students formulate strategies for sales, marketing, operations, finance, accounting, and management functions of a start-up business. Students learn how to develop and test hypotheses, to conduct effective primary and secondary research, and to produce a business plan or implementation plan for their start-up business. In Progress grading (credit to be given only on completion of courses 428B and 428C).
Review Summary
- Clarity
- Organization
- Time
- Overall
Enrollment Progress
Enrollment data not available.
Section List
Open (15 seats)Not scheduled
No Location
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.