Economics for Everyone
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Introduction to models and tools used by economists in practical real-world context. Study of important topical issues such as inequality, health care, and environmental policies. Students learn about available data sources and become better equipped to understand current events. May not be used to fulfill entrance requirements for any Economics Department major. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
8.3 / 10
- Organization
8.3 / 10
- Time
5-10 hrs/week
- Overall
8.3 / 10
For the group project, make sure to closely follow the rubric. I got 100% for most of the quizzes and the final, but we were given a horrible grade for project for going beyond what was asked.
Showing 1 review
Grading Information
Has a group project
Attendance not required
No midterms
Finals week final
50% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.