Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour (when scheduled). Requisites: courses 20, 103. Introduction to phonological theory and analysis. Rules, representations, underlying forms, derivations. Justification of phonological analyses. Emphasis on practical skills with problem sets. P/NP or letter grading.
Select an instructor
Aziz, J. (Winter 2025)
Zukoff, S. (Fall 2024)
Kie R. Zuraw (Winter 2024)
Eischens, B.J. (Fall 2023)
Elise Bell (Winter 2023)
Claire Moore-Cantwell (Spring 2022)
Bruce P. Hayes (Winter 2022)
Hironori Katsuda (Summer 2020)
Shu-Hao Shih (Winter 2020)
Jeremy Steffman (Summer 2019)
Blake Lehman (Summer 2019)
Suzy Ahn (Spring 2019)
Eleanor Glewwe (Summer 2018)
Adam Royer (Summer 2018)
Roslyn Burns (Spring 2018)
Brice Roberts (Summer 2017)
Robert Daland (Spring 2017)
Ryan Sandell (Fall 2016)
Ann Aly (Summer 2016)
Jesse Zymet (Summer 2016)
Russell Schuh (Spring 2016)
Brian Smith (Fall 2015)
Cooper, A.I. (Spring 2012)
Kaplan, A.F. (Winter 2009)
Marlo, M.R. (Winter 2008)
Wilson, C.C. (Fall 2006)
Mccrary Kambouraki (Spring 2006)
Mccrary, K. (Spring 2005)
Sun-Ah Jun (Spring 2004)
Patricia A. Keating (Winter 2004)
Munro, P.L. (Winter 2000)
Enrollment data not available.
MW 1pm-3:50pm
Public Affairs Building 1329
Grade distributions not available.