Biomedical Research: Concepts and Strategies
Lecture, three hours. Designed for freshmen/sophomores. Exploration of scientific concepts and experimental approaches through seminars by UCLA faculty members on their cutting-edge research. Topics may include areas of study such as cancer, stem cells, and infectious disease, as well as more basic research in cell and molecular biology. Letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
5.0 / 10
- Organization
5.0 / 10
- Time
0-5 hrs/week
- Overall
8.3 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
Open (2 seats)TWR 12pm-1:30pm
The course is broken into two parts that are essentially identical to each other. During the first week, a researcher will come to class and give a seminar on their current research. In the following weeks, Dr. Fluitt will help break down the seminar so that you can understand, and then the researcher will come back a few weeks later to answer any questions you may have now that you understand their research, Attendance was either in person or through zoom and wasn't taken, but you do need to participate in class in some way to earn participation credit. No midterms or finals. Instead, you have to complete "problem sets" which are essentially homework problems about the seminars and the breakdown of that seminar. Relatively light work and easy to complete if you understand the breakdowns well.
Class consists of four problems sets and two seminar reports (the seminar reports were pretty much a completion assignment) the content itself changes every quarter as it is based on who the guest lecturer is. Overall the class was very easy.
Displaying all 2 reviews
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance required
No midterms
No final
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