Introduction to Protein Structural Biology
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: course 153A, Life Sciences 3 or 7A. Proteins are diverse set of macromolecules that perform critical functions within cells, ranging from enzymes that catalyze metabolic reactions to proteins that enable pathogens to cause disease. Introduction to field of protein structural biology, that seeks to understand molecular basis of protein function through visualizing atomic structures and by investigating how alterations in protein structure affects function. Students gain fundamental understanding of protein structure and its relationship to function and learn how experimental and computational methods are used to determine three-dimensional structures of proteins. Hands-on training in computer graphics programs and online tools used to visualize and analyze protein structures. Letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
- Organization
- Time
- Overall
Enrollment Progress
Enrollment data not available.
Section List
FullMWF 11am-11:50am
Young Hall 4216