Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Examination of social processes shaping experience, definition, and enactment of self and personal identity. P/NP or letter grading.

Review Summary

8.3 / 10
8.3 / 10
10-15 hrs/week
8.3 / 10

Enrollment Progress

Dec 2, 3 PM PST
LEC 1: 180/180 seats taken (Full)
First passPriority passSecond pass1 day4 days7 days10 days13 days16 days19 days22 days25 days050100150200

Section List

  • LEC 1

    Open (3 seats)

    Varies ---

    Online - Asynchronous


    Quarter Taken: Winter 2023 Online
    Grade: A

    Mixed on this class. The material was really fantastic, relevant and interesting, and the Professor cares so much about this subject and it really comes through, even asynchronous online which is really saying something. But the class is just way too difficult and takes up too much time. This was her first time apparently doing quizzes, and they are weekly, and have usually a couple of very confusingly worded questions where you can have read every page and know the material well and still get wrong. There is also 100-200 pages of required reading every week, often with a movie too, and if you don’t read every single page you might miss something for the quiz, and even then you might still. Two 7-8 page papers which are graded pretty harsh, and 500 word discussion questions weekly. If the quizzes were more reasonable I would highly recommend this class, but as it is it’s just too much work.


Terri Anderson
Previously taught
24W 23W 22Su 21Su 10S 08F 07F

Grading Information

  • No group projects

  • Attendance required

  • No midterms

  • No final

  • 100% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.