Modern Arabic Literature in English
(Same as Arabic M151.) Lecture, three hours. Designed for upper-division literature majors. Topics may include constructions of otherness in modern Arab culture; East-West debate; memory, trauma, and mourning; violence, narrative, and ethics; globalization, oil, and cultural insurgency; Arab culture in transnational context or questions of reception, exoticism, translation, and marketing. Genres may include prison narratives; novel of terror; memoirs by women and/or by refugees and exiles; 19th- and 20th-century travel narratives; Arabic romantic poetry; literature of pre-1948; rise of Arab novel. Areas may range from generic look at Arab world to narrow focus on Maghreb or one country such as Algeria, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, or Egypt. May also be organized around Arab literatures written in one specific language, namely English, Arabic, or French. Letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
- Organization
- Time
- Overall
Enrollment Progress
Enrollment data not available.
Section List
Open (10 seats)W 4pm-6:50pm
Dodd Hall 154
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.