Introduction to Nordic Cinema
Lecture, two hours; discussion, two hours. Enforced requisite: English Composition 3 or English as a Second Language 36. Not open for credit to students with credit for course 60. Introduction to cinematic traditions of Nordic countries, with emphasis on construction of other or outsider as conceptual category. Survey of wide range of films to interrogate relationship between various forms of minority discourse and dominant values, institutions, and mechanisms and instruments of social control. Investigation of how these cinematic narratives of dominant normativity and diversity reflect cultural anxieties surrounding identity, ideology, collective memory, and power relationships. Screenings supplemented with relevant theoretical texts to give tools necessary to more effectively contextualize and analyze images. Satisfies Writing II requirement. Letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
- Organization
- Time
- Overall
Enrollment Progress
Enrollment data not available.
Section List
FullTR 2pm-2:50pm
Physics and Astronomy Building 1434A