Lecture, two hours; laboratory, four hours. Fundamentals of computer graphics and two- and three-dimensional modeling on computer-aided design and drafting systems. Students use one or more online computer systems to design and display various objects. Letter grading.

Review Summary

5.0 / 10
5.0 / 10
0-5 hrs/week
5.0 / 10

Enrollment Progress

Jul 13, 4 PM PDT
LEC 1: 64/64 seats taken (Full)
First passPriority passSecond pass2 days5 days8 days11 days14 days17 days20 days23 days26 days020406080


    Quarter Taken: Spring 2024 In-Person
    Grade: A

    All lectures were recorded and attendance was quite low. However, material was relatively clearly explained in the slides. Lab sections were well integrated with the lecture content. In general, this class is easy material-wise if you have experience with Solidworks. GD&T was harder to pick up, but if you watch lectures and get familiar with reading ASME standard charts, you should be okay. The final project was relatively lenient on grading as long as the rubric was followed.


Gao, E.X.
Previously taught
24F 24S 23F 23Su 23S 22F 22S 21F 21S 20F 19F 19Su

Grading Information

  • Has a group project

  • Attendance not required

  • No midterms

  • No final

  • 0% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.