Differential and Integral Calculus
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Preparation: at least three and one half years of high school mathematics (including some coordinate geometry and trigonometry). Requisite: successful completion of Mathematics Diagnostic Test or course 1 with grade of C- or better. Differential calculus and applications; introduction to integration. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
8.3 / 10
- Organization
8.3 / 10
- Time
0-5 hrs/week
- Overall
6.7 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
FullMWF 4pm-4:50pm
Mathematical Sciences 4000A
Open (2 seats)MWF 5pm-5:50pm
Mathematical Sciences 4000A
Tom Gannon is the goat. Super clear explanation, great personality , all-around stand-up guy. His grading is fair but be prepared for semi-weekly quizzes in discussion sections. I highly recommend Gannon.
Gannon is great! For a new-ish professor, he definitely cares about doing a good job. The class was easy, although probably because I had already taken Calc (but didn't get credit).
Professor Gannon is one of those professors that you can tell enjoys what they do. His lectures were never boring and were always lively and full of jokes. The only thing I didn’t like much was that we did not get any study guides for the midterms or final, but we were allowed to have cheat sheet so it worked out fine in the end.
Best class ever. I love this class. Tom Gannon is an amazing professor.
good proffesor, easy midterms, slighlty harder final.
The class was pretty organized and the instructor did a good job representing the course materials which made it easier to understand.
Amazing professor! PLEAS PLEASE PLEASE take 31A with Gannon. NO ONE ELSE
Displaying all 7 reviews
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance not required
2 midterms
Finals week final
29% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.