Differential and Integral Calculus
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Preparation: at least three and one half years of high school mathematics (including some coordinate geometry and trigonometry). Requisite: successful completion of Mathematics Diagnostic Test or course 1 with grade of C- or better. Differential calculus and applications; introduction to integration. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
10.0 / 10
- Organization
10.0 / 10
- Time
10-15 hrs/week
- Overall
10.0 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
FullMWF 10am-10:50am
Renee and David Kaplan Hall A51
Professor Ramsey is the sweetest and his lectures are concise. The home works were very straightforward and we only had to do five problems for each homework. The midterms and final exam were also not super hard. It helped that he allowed cheat sheets on all. However, I would say it definitely helps having previous background in calculus with focus on derivatives and integration.
Showing 1 review
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance not required
2 midterms
Finals week final
100% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.