Lecture, 75 minutes; discussion, 75 minutes. Foundation course for students in Digital Humanities minor, providing theoretical and conceptual framework for understanding genesis of digital world. Use of contemporary cultural-historical methodology to focus on rise of new media and information technologies in 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, such as photography, film, radio, television, Internet, and World Wide Web and their impact on how individuals, groups, and cultures experienced their worlds. Letter grading.

Review Summary

10.0 / 10
10.0 / 10
0-5 hrs/week
8.3 / 10


    Quarter Taken: Spring 2022 In-Person
    Grade: N/A

    class is relatively easy; a bit of busy work with the group project but there are weekly milestones that take you step by step through it

    Quarter Taken: Spring 2023 In-Person
    Grade: A+

    This class was cool but a little bit tedious! There were a lot of small assignments due.

    Quarter Taken: Spring 2023 In-Person
    Grade: A

    class wasn't hard, just very hard to get through. required attendance for lectures and discussion. quarter long group project (not bad as there are deadline throughout the quarter to pace you). However there is minimal busy work that's kind of annoying, but really cool to learn about!


Albrezzi, F.M.
Previously taught
23S 22S

Grading Information

  • Has a group project

  • Attendance required

  • No midterms

  • 10th week final

  • 33% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.