Elementary Modern Korean

Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours. Not open to students who have learned, from whatever source, enough Korean to qualify for more advanced courses. Introduction to standard spoken Korean and Korean writing, with emphasis on conversation. P/NP or letter grading.

Review Summary

10.0 / 10
10.0 / 10
5-10 hrs/week
6.7 / 10

Enrollment Progress

Jul 13, 4 PM PDT
LEC 1: 31/32 seats taken (Open)
LEC 2: 32/32 seats taken (Full)
First passPriority passSecond pass2 days5 days8 days11 days14 days17 days20 days23 days26 days02040

Section List

  • LEC 1

    Open (17 seats)

    TR 9:30am-10:45am

    Rolfe Hall 3126

  • LEC 2

    Open (12 seats)

    TR 11am-12:15pm

    Royce Hall 156


    Quarter Taken: Fall 2023 In-Person
    Grade: B

    Loved how accommodating and helpful the professor and TA were.

    Quarter Taken: Fall 2023 In-Person
    Grade: B+

    Grammar and rules ended up increasing in difficulty a lot towards the end of the quarter. The midterm was much easier than the final. There is homework and a quiz assigned 2-3 times each week every week, and a small group video project at the end.


Hee Ju
Previously taught
24F 23F 12W
Formerly offered as

Grading Information

  • Has a group project

  • Attendance required

  • 1 midterm

  • 10th week final

  • 100% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.