Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Mechanics and Energy
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour; laboratory, two hours. Requisites: Life Sciences 30A, 30B, or Mathematics 3A, 3B, 3C (3C may be taken concurrently). Statics and dynamics of forces, motion, energy, including thermal energy, with applications to biological and biochemical systems. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
8.3 / 10
- Organization
6.7 / 10
- Time
0-5 hrs/week
- Overall
8.3 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
Open (6 seats)MWF 1pm-1:50pm
Physics and Astronomy Building 1425
Bauer is a decent lecturer. He moves a little too fast during lecture and you're supposed to not down everything he's writing so it can sometimes get difficult to really grasp the material during lecture since you're just trying to write notes. But since lectures are recoded and attendance it not mandatory, you can just watch them on your own time. Labs are annoying and waste time since they don't help prepare for the exam much but it's basically free points (effort is needed but no stress) so not gonna complain too much.
As for the tests: the questions are based off the material but they sometimes bring different concepts together in a way that you're not told to practice so that can make some things difficult; however, since it's an intro class, there's a lot of simpler questions too, so it balances things out (you also get a cheat sheet which helps relief a lot of stress). Overall nothing to really complain about and would recommend.
Everything you need for the final is given, just need time to work through material. Practice, practice, practice!
tests were not reflective of practice midterms
I'd taken 1A prior to this but decided to go the life sci route (yeayea) so I was familiar with most of the 5A material already. Bauer explained the basics pretty well in lecture, but I think he did have to rush to cover all the material in the end (I'm not too sure since I stopped attending lecture after like week 2, he talked too slow and lecture notes were enough to jog my memory). My advice is definitely do the homework and review the homework/dis assignments, as those concepts are what will appear on the exam.
Professor wasn't that great at explaining material and was explaining it in a way that made sense only to him. Wasn't too helpful during office hours or lecture because he would write students off and be extremely condescending. The content that was taught in lecture was MUCH easier than the homework problems and the midterm problems and it felt like I learned all of this class by myself. Youtube will be your best friend in this class.
I have mixed feelings about Bauer. He didn’t use slides and wrote everything on the blackboard, and I bombed his first midterm (got a 75%) but studied a lot for the second midterm and the final, which ended up saving my grade. When I went to office hours after getting my grade for the first midterm, however, he looked at my work (I missed most of the points for one question) and said that if HE’d been grading it, he would have given me more points than the TA did. However, he also did nothing to remedy it except for laugh awkwardly. Regardless, he is a clear lecturer, but his notes style made it difficult to connect the topics. Overall, the subject material of 5A was not my favorite.
Professor was more than generous during our midterm exams and was very responsive to student feedback. Interacting with peers on campuswise is a great way to learn and get extra credit in this course.
Class was pretty organized and easy to follow. However, I was surprised at how the final was significantly more difficult than either of the midterms.
Do all mastering physics homework and practice problems from the problem bank. His tests are pretty fair. The first midterm was super easy so he made the second one harder. The final was also pretty hard. Overall, if you understand the concepts and do a lot of practice problems you should be fine. Lectures are recorded and also on zoom which was nice. 7/10 discussions were mandatory but they were helpful so you should go. The lab portion was super easy and the TAs grade nicely.
Displaying all 9 reviews
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance required
2 midterms
Finals week final
56% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.