Social Psychology
Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: courses 10, 100A. Designed for juniors/seniors. Interrelationships between the individual and his social environment. Social influences on motivation, perception, and behavior. Development and change of attitudes and opinions. Psychological analysis of small groups, social stratification, and mass phenomena. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
8.3 / 10
- Organization
8.3 / 10
- Time
5-10 hrs/week
- Overall
8.3 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
FullTR 9:30am-10:45am
Young Hall CS50
She lectures well, however the exams are pretty tricky even after studying a lot. I would always feel like I did horrible or ok since answer choices were like A, B, A and B, or neither. Luckily I did ok. Tests are definitely scenario application-based.
I wish the slides were more coherent. I do appreacaite that Dr.Smurda gives extra credit. You really should focus on understanding the studies and theories and what they mean.
It was a great class! I got a B because I was very bad about attending section, I also didn't do that great on the midterm. I did pretty good on the final, but that's because I learned my lesson. To do well you need to go to the lectures and take good notes to ensure understanding of content. Smurda records her lectures which is very helpful, not to mention she is very passionate about what she teaches and is funny so taking her class was a highly enjoyable experience.
Easy and enjoyable class. The way to get an A is to just show up and pay attention. If you take good notes, it shouldn't be hard at all to do well. I got a 98 on the midterm and a 92 on the final with minimal preparation. Professor Smurda is also really funny and I enjoyed her lectures. Anyone looking to do 135 should consider taking from her when she's teaching!
You really need to do well on the exams because they're worth 80% of your grade. The questions are confusing and each option sounds the same. I would recommend avoiding this class if you can and taking it with a different professor!
The class itself was pretty interesting! The midterm was oddly specific, so make sure to study pretty much anything on her slides; it was also on respondus in-class. Her lectures are podcasted but if you do the poll everywhere you get extra credit for attendance.
As a psychology major, social psychology is not one I'm particularly interested in. So, personally, the course content was super interesting but if you enjoy social psychology you will like this class. Lectures were organized well and there were many interactive activities throughout which made coming to lecture more engaging. There is no textbook reading for the lecture content, but there are a few books you need to read for discussion sections which appear on the midterm and final. This reading could be lengthy, but the content was relatively interesting. You definitely need to study a lot to do well on the midterm and final.
Really strict abt bumbping grades. she'll only round up to a 90 if youre at 89.9. Like thats kinda dr smurdas vibe.
I liked how the lectures were very interactive, as Dr. Smurda often included live polls that were fun to answer. These live polls were also extra credit points towards attendance. I think that going over lecture content and attending lecture were what prepared me for the exams the most, as content that she reviewed during class often showed up on the exam. It's important to read the materials / books assigned for discussion sections, as questions related to this content often appear on exams. I learned what I wanted to from the class --- since it's Social Psychology, I found a lot of the content to be relatable and applicable to real life as well!
Displaying all 9 reviews
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance not required
1 midterm
Finals week final
67% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.