Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisite: Life Sciences 7B. Not open for credit to students with credit for course 118, 122, 124A, 124B, 125, C126, 129, 132, 134B, 136, or 151B. Introduction to methods and topics in ecology and behavior. Growth and regulation of populations, organization of communities and ecosystems, biogeography, and behaviors animals use to find food, choose mates, and interact in social groups. Letter grading.

Review Summary

8.3 / 10
8.3 / 10
5-10 hrs/week
5.0 / 10


    Quarter Taken: Spring 2022 In-Person
    Grade: A-

    Getting the right TA is important because the discussion points are a lot. Some TA is harsher on weekly homework’s than others.

    Quarter Taken: Winter 2023 In-Person
    Grade: A

    Both professors are good at lecturing. The TA will really determine your experience with the homework. My TA graded very harshly and everyone lost a lot points on the homework assignments, but some other TAs are very lenient. The exams are multiple-choice and honestly hard to prepare for because the wording can be confusing and the answer choices are intentionally tricky.

    Quarter Taken: Spring 2023 In-Person
    Grade: B

    Gorlitsky’s midterm was difficult and tricky but her lectures were interesting. Lipman’s slides were all over the place, could not tell what to study and her lectures were okay. Both midterms were tricky and difficult to study for.


Previously taught
23S 23W 22S 22W

Grading Information

  • No group projects

  • Attendance not required

  • 1 midterm

  • 10th week final

  • 0% recommend the textbook

Previous Grades

Grade distributions not available.