Psychological Statistics
Lecture, four hours. Requisites: course 10 with a grade of C or better, and one course from Mathematics 2, Program in Computing 10A, Statistics 10, or one term of calculus. Designed for premajors. Basic statistical procedures and their application to research and practice in various areas of psychology. P/NP or letter grading.
Review Summary
- Clarity
8.3 / 10
- Organization
10.0 / 10
- Time
0-5 hrs/week
- Overall
8.3 / 10
Enrollment Progress
Section List
Open (2 seats)TR, R 1pm-3:05pm, 3:30pm-4:20pm
Online, Online
Very helpful, easy to follow, interesting, clearly taught
The modules are extremely helpful as long as you do them by yourself. She uses lab time as office hours to help you go over quizzes and any other questions. Class time is used to do the lab together.
Her class was great! I enrolled late but I got the time to catch up on work. To succeed in the class, just do the quizzes and homework from reading and reviewing the classwork, she posts mosts of the answers in lecture
Great professor!!! Weekly Quizzes, Jupiter Notebooks during Lecture, Final Exam, and Homework was just going through the free online textbook and answering questions on that.
Displaying all 4 reviews
Grading Information
No group projects
Attendance not required
No midterms
Finals week final
75% recommend the textbook
Previous Grades
Grade distributions not available.